Selected Commentary:
“Can AI Rescue Democracy? Nope, It’s Not Funny Enough?” March 11, 2024. Tech Policy Press.
"Opinion: Many Americans believe migrants bring fentanyl across the border. That's wrong and dangerous." February 12, 2024. The Los Angeles Times.
“Trump blasts his trial judges. Then his fans call for violence.” May 14, 2024. Reuters.
“How digital activists around the world are trying to change the tone of social media.” January 4, 2020. National Post.
“Combating Hate Speech Through Counterspeech.” August 9, 2019.
Podcasts and Documentaries
“A Conversation with Cathy Buerger, Emily Kaufman with Richard Wilson.” UConn Women Changing the Game.
Documentary: Online Hate Speech. by Dr. Talita Dias.
“The Importance of Keeping Space Safe for Dissent: A Conversation with Cathy Buerger.” The Round Table: A Next Generation Politics Podcast. (The Importance of Keeping Space Safe for Dissent)
Selected Public Talks
“Dangerous Disinformation: The Rhetoric of January 6th and Where we go from here.” (Jan 6th)
“Common Hour - Fear and Loathing in Our Discourse: Dangerous Speech and What to Do About It.” (Fear and Loathing)
“Collective Counterspeech in Conflict Fragile Countries: Risks and Possibilities.”